Friday, March 12, 2010

Today is a Good Day

You know how there are some days when driving somewhere is the best thing in the world? Yeah, I love those days. I think the recipe for "good-day-driving" success is: perfect weather + driving fast + driver's side window down + a cd you've overplayed but is still in the cd player, and it's all of a sudden really jammable again + arm out the window + being alone.

Also, I think it should be legal to drive really fast if you're a good driver. We (yes, we. 'cause I'm one of them and if you agree with this, that means you're probably a good driver too) should get a special license so when we get pulled over, the cop is like, "Oh, you're part of the G.D. program."

When I left my place this morning, there were some contractors cleaning my neighbor's brick wall. I was holding my laptop and one of the contractors (Luis) asked me if what I was holding was a laptop. I said yes. He asked me if I had any for sale. I said yes, because I remembered that I had an old laptop at work that no one was using. I told him it would be slow because it's old and that it was heavy like a brick. He just wanted it to play dvds, he said. Anyway, I tested the laptop and it doesn't work. Sorry! (boring.)

I just returned a call to a client named Andy. I dialed the wrong number, but the guy happened to be an Andy as well, and he happened to know a Jessica. It was confusing for like 30 seconds. Then we talked about how coincidental that was. But not really, cause there are a million Andys and Jessicas in the world. Do you know one? I bet you do.

Also, why is it that the wrong numbers that call you are 95% Mexican? Or maybe they're not Mexican, but they like to speak Spanish.


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