Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday during Lent/Low carb/GP tomorrow

Indian Hindu lady next to me at work reminded me that i wasn't supposed to eat meat today when i told someone that i could actually eat eggs and sausage on low carb because they think i'm trying to be all healthy whenever i eat at work. it broke me heart.

Backtrack. Earlier this week, someone was gonna get breakfast for the next day at Panera Bread. It's all carbs there, so I said just get me one of those low fat yogurts or whatever they have over there cause I figured it was good for you, but it's actually higher in carbs than all those bagels. She actually got me a parfait anyway so I just ate the strawberries and the nuts and granola that come with it and threw the yogurt away. Granola isn't low carb either. So today, someone brings McDonald's, and the person that brought it was like "I got you yogurt cause I know you're trying to be healthy!" It's another parfait, but also this is when I say, "Well, I can actually eat sausage and eggs also."

I'm not doing low carb this weekend starting today because I'm gonna need energy for GoodPhil this weekend. I decided this after I finished the square egg from the Deluxe Breakfast, and I wanted to eat the pancake. Also I would feel bad if I didn't eat the parfait the lady got me.

Jo Koy is gonna perform, but I didn't think he was funny on Comedy Central. So I don't think he's funny in general, but I also like to downhype to make things better.

Manny's singing the national anthem of the Philippines. Downhyping the entire show.


So it's been a couple of hours since I ate that pancake, and I've been getting hunger pangs for the past hour every 5 minutes. Carbs suck. Wasn't getting any since starting low carb.


I ate that parfait an hour ago and have hunger pangs again. I know it's not like I'm eating a lot, but I'm pretty sure I'm not that hungry after just an hour. It's the sucky carbs. Be convinced Jessica.


  1. yeah, carbs suck. if you need to carb load or want to binge. stay away for the white processed shit, pancakes, white bread, potatoes, starch, rice, etc.

    stick with fruit (berries are good). eat cous cous, brown rice, green vegetables, even some whole grain bread isn't awful. but you'll notice a BIG difference when eating those types of carbs vs processed.

    good luck at goodphil!

  2. I carb loaded today. I tried to eat 1 pound of spaghetti (one bag) in one meal for breakfast, but I couldn't do it. I just ate rice and stuff for lunch to finish off the load.

  3. Philip, you also ate two muffins last night.
