Monday, March 22, 2010

Evolution of Me

Titles comes from Robin Thicke's album title. I louuourve him, no homo dough.

I might be getting brain washed by all this google research, but I keep refining what I want to do as my long term healthiness regimen thingy.

Stages went like this:
1. In middle school I did curls, push ups and arm raises in my room with some dumbbells to have cool arms and beat kids at school at arm wrestling.
2. In high school I was scared to work out cause I wanted to maximize my height cause I thought it would stunt my growth. (gonna google that right now) (googled, and sounds like a myth)
3. Got to college and fake worked out in the apartment complex gym, fake cause there was no plan other than to try to get muscles to look good. Stayed skinny.
4. Went through a phase in college where I wanted to work out my legs to try to dunk cause I was playing basketball all the time. Didn't really keep up with it.
5. Started googling some junk my senior year and felt that really slow reps and really heavy weight promoted the most muscle growth cause I wanted to get kinda big before I graduated and never had the rec center ever again. Worked a little, biggest I had ever been.
6. After graduating, I started getting scared of gaining fat, but I didn't want to join a gym cause I didn't have a job to pay for it yet. After 7 months, gained about 8-10 pounds with a combination of gaining a bunch of fat and losing muscle.
7. Joined 24 Hour Fitness after that 7 months and have been using my membership sparingly. Not a problem with motivation, just with priorities.
8. Recently, I have been looking up a bunch of stuff on google about diets and work out programs, and just out of curiosity through links on those pages I kept reading about a bunch of overall health stuff. Now I want to look and be healthy instead of just looking healthy.

So the recent things I've been thinking about doing were at first just looking up what kind of work outs/lifts burn the most fat. Then I realized how important my diet was because I didn't have the time to work out like I did in college. I ate whatever I wanted and stayed pretty skinny cause I was at the rec all day. Then I looked up stuff about low carb diets, and I found this page I liked about keeping your insulin low which made sense to me. Did that for like a week or two and it seemed pretty easy to do to me, and I was not getting hungry while losing fat. Looked up HIIT and thought it sounded good, but then Marianne said it wasn't good to do it on a low carb diet. I already was kinda worried about deficiencies or whatever from doing low carb, so now I'm gonna do kinda low carb with carbs being the slow digesting kinds like black beans and junk.


  1. HIIT is crazy. i tried doing it with a jump rope. i got owned.

  2. I used to use soup cans to do arm curls in my room, cause that's what Seventeen and YM magazine recommended., Bryan.


    that's the insulin one i like

    and google always shows me stuff

  4. How many soup can reps can you do?
