Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Look up: Stomach Ulcers etc.

What causes ulcers in the stomach?
Some chump bacteria causes them, not spicy food, alcohol, or stress. That stuff just makes them worse.

What causes acid reflux disease?
I heard webmd is not a reliable source, but anyway here's a list of stuff that causes it.

Is webmd a reliable source?
Just partnered with the FDA:

"But the commissioner stopped short of saying that the partnership signifies FDA’s endorsement of WebMD as the most reliable source where consumers should turn for medical information.

“I don’t think this should be construed as FDA putting a seal of approval on WebMD,” he said. “I think it is construed as WebMD putting a portal of opportunity … Where there are other portals and opportunities to do that, we will pursue that as well.”