Friday, April 30, 2010

First Full Week

Finally finished a full week of the routine I made up a couple of weeks ago. Gets hard cause things always come up after work. Anyway, I made this up from reading a bunch of stuff online, mostly from

Most of it has to do with trying to not get fat and getting in shape for basketball games on sundays. I've been trying to look for anything that'd be better than cardio cause it sucks.

Heavy lifting full body - kinda hard cause I'm usually ridiculously tired from the weekend, but gotta do it farthest away from the next game.

Plyometrics - circuits of line jumps from side to side, depth jumps, wall jumps. Makes me super duper exhausted the rest of the night.

Metabolic weight training - just circuit through everything I do on Mondays. Funner than cardio, but kinda like the same thing, I hope. End with a few rounds of HIIT.

Cardio - run/jog as long as I can. Yesterday was my first day, and I went for like 25 minutes straight. I kept wanting to stop cause it was boring and I was getting tired, but it's so easy just to keep going if your mind goes somewhere else. I figured out my hives were from running outside in the super wind cause I started to feel them coming, so I took some benadryl right quick and stopped them from coming.

Now I have two full days to rest before the game on Sunday morning. It's bad enough that I spend all night on Saturday drinking, so I figure that I can't be sore also. Doesn't work anyway cause the drinking thing has way more impact than being sore.


  1. Running outside ... don't like it. It's too hot and humid plus it's running.

  2. what's so bad about hot? trying to sweat anyway.

    if i didn't have basketball on sundays i would never run

  3. yeah, i'd never run if i lived in houston. i freak out when it's like 80 degrees. yeah, i know i'm a puss....
