Friday, June 11, 2010

Jury Duty

Had jury duty yesterday. I told everyone that I got out at like 3 even though I got out at 9:30 baby. I didn't want to go to work, who would go back for my kind of job where there are no deadlines or anything?

I paid 7 bucks for parking, but you only get 6 bucks for the first day. I didn't even go get my parking discount with my sheet of paper cause i'm that baller.

I brought my brother's laptop, and I thought the charger or laptop was broken cause I plugged it in and nothing happened. Walked around the huge room to look for another outlet, and I knew everyone was staring at me with my cool one strap laptop bag. This one girl was using her loser macbook plugged into an outlet, so I figured if it doesn't work here then this stuff is broken. It worked, but right when I fixed the internet, he called my name to let me go home.

The cop that was controlling the microphone was good and kinda funny. The district clerk Loren Jackson was a really good public speaker with some good jokes.

In the beginning, the cop said that they start with 1001 and count up from there, so if you have a high number then something something something. I wasn't paying attention, but I had a high number and was like freak! Then later he said there was usually a cutoff number everyday, usually around 1800, that meant something something something. I wasn't paying attention again cause I was on the internet. Anyway, he starts calling people up, and they're all getting a piece of paper in the front and walking out of the room. I thought they were getting called into do whatever you have to do. I didn't think I was getting called anytime soon, so I just started typing out a blog entry.

Bam! Calls my name. I pack up the computer and charger, and then he's like, "Still waiting on" He sees me walking up there and is like, "Is that you?" I nod my head. I take the paper, and he says thank you sir. The paper just says it's a work release form. I start walking out, and I ask some other lady walking with me, "Is that it? We can go home?" She just said, "Yup, thank God." I said, "Awesome."

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